Glow Up For The New Year: Unlocking The Magic Of Affirmations.

The New Year Is Only 3 Months Away: Time To Set New Goals And Dream Big.

We’re only three months away of 2023 it’s grand finale, and you know what that means -it’s the perfect time to channel your inner dreamer and start thinking about the goals and aspirations that you have for the New Year. Whether it’s about getting healthier, being happier or just becoming the best version of yourself, by incorporating those health and wellness habits now, you’re basically laying the groundwork for a sustainable, long-lasting glow up routine that’s going to help you crush your health goals in the New Year.

Your 2024 Glow-Up Blueprint: Kickstart Healthy Habits Early

By starting early with healthy habits, you’re basically giving yourself a head start to reach your goals in 2024. It means laying the groundwork for a sustainable glow up routine that’s going to serve as the foundation for all those health-related goals you’re about to conquer in the New Year.

Now picture this: You want to start the habit of running in the New Year. You’re like, “I’m gonna crush those running goals!” So, you decide to hit the pavement every single day, feeling motivated. But wait, two weeks later, your knee starts complaining, or your shins are all, “Hey, we’re on fire!” Ouch, right? So, you’re forced to take a breather for a few weeks, and running ends up being pushed way, way back on your to-do list. Fast forward a bit, and you’ve practically forgotten that running was ever a thing in your life.

And that’s where the magic of starting slow comes in! You see, when the New Year excitement kicks in, you’re ready to do all the things. But here’s the trick – it’s like a rocket launch; you need a countdown and a solid plan. So, here’s the solution: start with a beginner’s running schedule for two days a week, over three months. This way, you’re entering your running journey at a chill pace, building up your stamina, and reducing the risk of any running “ouchies.” By the time 2024 struts in, you’re all set for those daily runs, safe, sound, and totally sustainable.

So whether you want to eat better, exercise more, reduce stress, or have any other health-focused goals, laying the ground work now can make all the difference in your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Affirmations and Healthy Habits: The Ultimate Dream Team

Starting your journey to adopt healthy habits and, more importantly, staying committed to your goals can be quite a challenge. We usually are super motivated in the beginning, but it’s easy to lose steam along the way. That’s where affirmations step in! They’re like your life coach, reprogramming your brain with more positivity, motivation, and self belief. With daily affirmations, you’re setting the stage for sustainable personal growth and a long lasting glow up.

What are affirmations? They’re positive statements you repeat to yourself regularly, reinforcing your belief in your ability to achieve your goals. Affirmations serve as a source of daily inspiration. In a world full of distractions and competing priorities, they help keep your objectives at the forefront of your mind. This consistency is the key to staying on track with your health-related goals.

How to use affirmations?

  1. Say them out loud daily: Trust us, it’s a game changer. A lot of people like to say affirmations every morning to themselves in the mirror to set a positive tone for the day.
  2. Stick them around your space. On mirrors, your desk or even as your phones wallpaper for that daily motivation boost.
  3. Create an affirmation journal. Write your affirmations in your journal and keep track of your favorite ones.

Our Gift to You: 15 Affirmations To Inspire and Motivate Your Glow-Ups

To make your journey to the best version of yourself even smoother, we’ve prepared a special treat: 15 affirmations tailored to help you achieve your health and wellness-related goals and glow-up aspirations. These affirmations are your daily companions, ready to inspire and motivate you.

  1. This Year All My Dreams Will Come True.
  2. The Next Three Months Are My Time To Shine, Thrive And Glow Up.
  3. I Am Radiating Confidence And Positivity.
  4. I Am Making Choices That Nourish My Body Mind And Soul.
  5. I Am Letting Go Of Old Habits That No Longer Serve Me.
  6. I Prioritize Self Care And Well Being As I Prepare For The New Year.
  7. The Next Three Months I Am Committed To Glowing Up.
  8. I Am Deserving Of My Dream Life.
  9. I Am Manifesting My Dream Life.
  10. I Am Ready To Embrace The New Year With Health, Vitality, And A Glowing Spirit.
  11. Every Day I Am Getting Closer To The Best Version Of Myself.
  12. I Am Worhty Of All The Good Things Life Has To Offer.
  13. Glowing Up Is Not Just A Goal. It’s My Way Of Life.
  14. I Trust In My Ability To Make Healthy Choices.
  15. I Am Learning And Growing In My Journey Towards My New Year Glow Up.

Hi! I'm Bambi.

Lover of all things wellness and pink! I created Blossly to be your ultimate guide on your journey to blossom
into the most confident and radiant version of yourself. My hope is to inspire and motivate you by sharing my own journey and knowledge. Join me and let’s glow together! <3

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