The 30 Day Blossom Challenge: Day 2 Values Alignment

The 30 Day Blossom Challenge

On day one you made a huge list of all your dreams, desires and aspirations for the new year. Today, we dive into the importance of values alignment when creating a list of goals and why it’s crucial to let go of goals that do not resonate with our deepest beliefs.


Step 1. SELF REFLECTION. Let’s make a brain dump of your most important values! Take some time to reflect on some significant moments in your life, both positive and challenging. When did you feel most fulfilled, proud or true to yourself? And when did u feel discomfort, sadness or frustration? What values were present in moments of happiness? And what values were there in moments of difficulty? For example do you feel the best when you are creative? Or maybe when you are courageous? Write everything down that pops up in your mind. If your mind is blank, take some inspiration from this core values list. Or google “core values list” for even more ideas.

Step 2. CREATE A LIST. Take a look at your brain dump list of values. Which ones pop up the most? And which ones are similar and can you add together? Compile a list of all the values that you resonate most with. A good tip is to ask yourself: “If I could only choose a few values to guide my life, which ones would I pick?” Pick no more than 6-10 core values.

Step 3. REVIEW. Evaluate your list of goals against your prioritized values. Take a good look and for each goal consider if this goal is in harmony with your values. Your goals can be in harmony with more than one core value, which is even better, because the more it aligns with you the more likely you are to work for the success of this goal!

Step 4. REFINE. Adjust your goals based on your review in step 3. If you have any goals that didn’t end up connecting with a core value (or maybe only one minor value), get rid of it. These goals that are not in alignment are usually goals others have for you, or goals you think you should have. But if they don’t align with your own values, they ultimately won’t make you happy. And it’s no use working hard for a goal that doesn’t bring joy.

Step 5. ROUTINE REVIEW. From time to time take another look at your core values and goals as your life evolves and you grow as a person. Thinks can change, and most importantly we also change a lot! So make sure that everything stays in alignment with who you truly are. If not, adjust and add or remove!

Below is an example on how our goals are linked to our values.

BONUS: To go even further into your deepest desires rank your values from most important to least and that way you can see which goals (that are linked to your top values) are ranked the highest with and those are probably the goals you wish to achieve most!

By following these steps, you’ll gain clarity on your core values, ensure they align with your goals, and create a roadmap for a life that is not only successful but meaningful and fulfilling.

Congrats on getting it through the first two days! I’m so proud of you. Today keep thinking about what values are most important to you, sometimes they can pop up randomly just living life! Tomorrow we will be diving deeper into your goals and breaking them down for more clarity. So keep your list close and until then take good care of yourself and enjoy your day! 🌸🌟 #Blossom2024 #GlowUpChallenge #DreamBig

Hi! I'm Bambi.

Lover of all things wellness and pink! I created Blossly to be your ultimate guide on your journey to blossom
into the most confident and radiant version of yourself. My hope is to inspire and motivate you by sharing my own journey and knowledge. Join me and let’s glow together! <3

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