The 30 Day Blossom Challenge: Day 3 Rank Your Goals

The 30 Day Blossom Challenge

On day one you made a huge list of all your dreams, desires and aspirations for the new year. And on day 2 you matched these up with your own personal values. My hope is that that list still fills you with happiness and the motivation to start crushing your goals! Today we are going to take a deeper look into your list so we can organize and get everything ready for your 2024 glow up.

Day 3: Break Down Your Goals

The third step to your 2024 goals blueprint is to break down that huge list of goals we made on day 1. This will make sure that we have an overview of all your dreams and desires, ranked from big to small and from most important to least important. This way it’s easier to prioritize and schedule each of your goals with purpose.


Breaking down a huge list of goals takes some planning and organization. But don’t worry I’m here to help! Here’s a 5-step breakdown to help you achieve this:

Step 1. CATEGORIZE GOALS. On day one you’ve already thought about different areas of your life you have desires in. Today we are going a bit further and neatly group all your goals into categories. Now these areas are completely personal to you and I recommend not overwhelming yourself with too many different ones. Focus on the ones that will make you feel empowered and inspired. Here are some ideas: health and wellness, self-care, mindset / mental health, finance, career / academic, self-love and relationships.

Step 2. RANK YOUR GOALS. For each category rank these goals from big to small. Begin with your biggest goals at the top, these are goals that will take longer to achieve (like graduate with honors) to the smallest and more immediate goals or goals you will do daily at the bottom (like complete daily assignments or drinking more water).

Step 3. BREAK DOWN INTO SMALLER GOALS. Take a look at your big goals that are now at the top of your list. For each of these goals think about how you can break these down to smaller sub-goals. Ensure that these smaller sub-goals are specific and achievable for you. They should also be able to be achieved in a shorter time frame.

Example: Big goal: Have My Dream Body. Break down sub-goals: make a dream body vision board, evaluate current lifestyle habits, create a balanced meal plan, create an exercise routine / schedule and prioritize rest days.

To help you here is an example of a big goal “Dream Body” and how you can break this goal down into smaller sub-goals.

STEP 4. PRIORITIZE. For each category now rank these goals from most important to least. Ask yourself which of these goals will have the most impact or contribute most to your 2024 blossom success. I recommend ranking the big goals first and then your smaller goals. It’s not necessary to rank the smaller sub-goals within your big goals but you can if it’s useful for you.

Now we have made an even more detailed list of all your goals. They are now neatly categorized in categories, aligned with your values and ranked from big to small and prioritized in importance. Really take the time to do this well, because it will help you out so much with achieving these goals. The more clear we can get your goals the more you are likely to achieve them!

Tomorrow we will break these goals down even further and take a look at everything we actually need to know or do to be able to achieve these goals. For now be proud of yourself for working so hard on your goals and ultimately on your happiness because you deserve it! And don’t forget to eat and drink something to fuel your brain with the energy it needs.

See you soon at day 4! 🌸🌟 #Blossom2024 #GlowUpChallenge #DreamBig

Hi! I'm Bambi.

Lover of all things wellness and pink! I created Blossly to be your ultimate guide on your journey to blossom
into the most confident and radiant version of yourself. My hope is to inspire and motivate you by sharing my own journey and knowledge. Join me and let’s glow together! <3

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